
Study plan 學習規劃


Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award was established in the United Kingdom in 1956 with the purpose of encouraging young people aged 14-24 to participate in projects through planning and arrangements and to improve themselves and discover interests. The Edinburgh Project is not only well-known in the UK, but also has young people from more than 130 countries participating in the international community. It was introduced to Canada in 1963 and became the target of the youth challenge. The Duke of Edinburgh Award has a high reputation in academic circles all over the world. Participating in this award program will have a great advantage in applying for schools in the future. In the future, if you put your resume in, you will have an advantage over others when looking for a job.



Summer Study Tour 夏令營

Listen to the sound of the Pacific Ocean scouring the west coast in the fresh summer of Vancouver while learning and communicating with friends from all over the world and experiencing the world's leading education. Broaden your horizons, cultivate a sense of independence and self-reliance and outstanding leadership. Children who are happy, healthy, and blend with different cultural backgrounds spend a summer here in nature, which will be a wonderful experience that will benefit them for life!  

Canadian citizenship test training

Quickly grasp all the information of the naturalization test, and learn about the "Discover Canada" in an outline. Learning about the analysis of historical geopolitical focus and English conversational oral interview skills training. The program includes free mock quizzes, free applications from our service!